Gateway Pundit: History, Editorial Stance, and Controversies

Gateway Pundit is a far-right news and opinion website that was founded in 2004 by Jim Hoft. Over the years, the website has gained a reputation for publishing sensationalized and misleading articles that promote a conservative agenda. Despite its controversial content, Gateway Pundit has amassed a significant following, and its articles are frequently shared on social media platforms.
In this article, we will explore the history of Gateway Pundit, its editorial stance, and the controversy surrounding its coverage.

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History of Gateway Pundit

Gateway Pundit was founded in 2004 by Jim Hoft, who began the website to promote conservative views and criticize the mainstream media. Hoft had previously worked as a software developer and had no prior experience in journalism. However, he quickly gained a reputation as a controversial figure due to his sensationalist headlines and provocative articles.

In the early years, Gateway Pundit focused mainly on local news stories and political events in St. Louis, Missouri, where Hoft was based. However, the website’s coverage soon expanded to include national and international news, emphasizing stories that reflected conservative values.

Controversies Surrounding the Founder Gateway pundit

Jim Hoft, the founder of Gateway Pundit, has also been the subject of controversy. In 2018, he was banned from Twitter for violating the platform’s rules on hate speech. Hoft was previously accused of promoting conspiracy theories and spreading false information on the site.

In addition, Hoft has faced criticism for his involvement in the “Pizzagate” conspiracy theory. In 2016, Gateway Pundit published articles claiming that a Washington, D.C. pizza restaurant was the center of a child sex trafficking ring involving prominent Democrats. The claims were widely debunked, and in 2019, Hoft issued an apology for promoting the conspiracy theory.

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Controversy Surrounding Gateway Pundit

Gateway Pundit has published numerous articles widely criticized for spreading false or misleading information. For example, in 2017, the site published an article claiming that the Las Vegas shooter was a member of the anti-Trump “Resistance” movement based on a fake Facebook page. The article was widely shared on social media, despite being debunked by fact-checking organizations.

Also, In 2017, the website falsely claimed that a Washington, D.C., pizzeria was involved in a child sex trafficking ring linked to Hillary Clinton’s campaign. The claim led to a man entering the restaurant with a gun and firing shots.

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The site has also been accused of promoting conspiracy theories about the 2020 U.S. presidential election. In the aftermath of the election, Gateway Pundit published numerous articles claiming that the election was stolen from Donald Trump through widespread voter fraud. These claims were widely disputed by election officials and fact-checkers, who found no evidence of widespread fraud.

Gateway Pundit has also been criticized for its coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic. The website has published numerous articles that downplayed the severity of the virus, promoted unproven treatments, and criticized public health measures like mask mandates and lockdowns. This coverage has been widely criticized by public health officials and medical experts, who argue that it has contributed to spreading misinformation and politicizing the pandemic.

In addition, Gateway Pundit has been accused of promoting extremist views. For example, the site has published articles defending white nationalists and promoting anti-immigrant sentiment. In addition, in 2017, the site published an article claiming that the “alt-right” was a “made-up term” used to smear conservatives. These views are controversial, and some critics even view the site as a “hate group.”

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Criticism of Gateway Pundit

Gateway Pundit’s controversial content has led to widespread criticism and backlash. In 2018, the site was temporarily suspended from Twitter after publishing an article violating the platform’s hate speech rules. In 2020, Facebook removed a post from the site that contained false information about the coronavirus.

The site has also faced criticism from other media outlets. In 2017, The Washington Post referred to Gateway Pundit as a “discredited” news source. In addition, the Southern Poverty Law Center has labeled the site as a “hate group.”

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Despite the criticism, Gateway Pundit has maintained a loyal following among conservative readers. The site has over 1 million followers on Facebook and over 200,000 followers on Twitter. The site has been suspended from Twitter and had posts removed from Facebook for violating their policies on hate speech and false information. Nevertheless, Gateway Pundit continues to attract a large following of conservative readers. The site’s articles are often shared widely on social media, and other conventional news sources and public figures repeat its claims.

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One possible reason for Gateway Pundit’s popularity among conservative readers is its alignment with their political beliefs. The site frequently publishes articles that align with conservative values, such as opposition to abortion, gun rights support, and climate change skepticism. This makes Gateway Pundit an attractive news source for those who share these views, even if the accuracy of the site’s claims is questionable.


Gateway Pundit’s promotion of false and misleading information is a cause for concern. Misinformation can have serious consequences, particularly in the case of public health crises like the COVID-19 pandemic. For example, when individuals are misinformed about health risks or the effectiveness of vaccines, they may be more likely to engage in risky behavior that puts themselves and others at risk.

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Misinformation can also undermine the democratic process. For example, in the case of the 2020 U.S. presidential election, Gateway Pundit’s promotion of false claims about voter fraud contributed to a climate of mistrust and division. This could lead to further polarization and division in society, making addressing important issues and challenges more difficult.


Gateway Pundit is a controversial news and opinion website with a significant following among conservative readers. Despite provocative headlines and promoting conspiracy theories, the website’s articles are frequently shared on social media platforms. However, Gateway Pundit has been involved in several controversies over the years, including false claims about child sex trafficking and the promotion of baseless allegations of voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election. As such, readers should approach Gateway Pundit’s coverage with skepticism and consider seeking out independent sources to verify the accuracy of its claims.

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